Street Address
Address Line 2
Home Number
### - ### - ####
Mobile Number
### - ### - ####
Name of School Student Currently Attends
Current Grade
Any Siblings Currently Attending the School Selected Above?
Yes No
Does the Student Currently Have (select all that apply)
504 Plan
None of the Above
The information requested in items 1-4 below is OPTIONAL:
1. Primary Language Spoken at Home?
2. Is your child an English Language Learner?
Yes No
3. Does your student qualify for free/reduced lunch program?
Yes No
4. Please check the appropriate box for your child's ethnicity:
How did you learn about the school selected above? Check all that apply.
Parent/Guardian #1
Relationship to Student
Contact Address
Home Number
### - ### - ####
Mobile Number
### - ### - ####
Highest Level of Education
Parent/Guardian #2
Relationship to Student
Contact Address
Home Number
### - ### - ####
Mobile Number
### - ### - ####
Highest Level of Education
By typing your full names below you are confirming that all information provided is accurate.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Students who attend schools outside of Toledo Public Schools, such as in Sylvania, Oregon, Springfield, etc., and charter, catholic, and/or religious-based schools, must submit a release of records form to your student's school. We can provide you with a Release of Records form. Records include OST and/or standardized test scores from 6th, 7th and 8th grades, and current grade card.
Students who attend schools outside of Toledo Public Schools, such as in Sylvania, Oregon, Springfield, etc., and charter, catholic, and/or religious-based schools, must submit a release of records form to your student's school. We can provide you with a Release of Records form. Records include OST and/or standardized test scores from 6th, 7th and 8th grades, and current grade card.
Nondiscriminatory Admissions Policies
Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo, Jones Leadership Academy, Toledo Early College, and Toledo Technology Academy recruits and admits students of any race, color, gender, religion, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities. The school does not and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, disability, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies. A student who is eligible for an IEP under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA, 20 USC §§ 1401, et seq.) or eligible for a plan of services or accommodations under Section 504, including a 504 medical plan (29 USC § 794), may be admitted to Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo, Jones Leadership Academy, Toledo Early College, and Toledo Technology Academy if selected through the enrollment process.
Students with disabilities will retain their position as selected applicants for enrollment until the IEP or 504 processes has been completed. Students will not be denied the opportunity to attend Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo, Jones Leadership Academy, Toledo Early College, and Toledo Technology Academy unless the IEP or 504 teams decide that they cannot participate in or benefit from the curriculum or program offered at Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo, Jones Leadership Academy, Toledo Early College, and Toledo Technology Academy.
Students with an IEP or 504 plan who are admitted remain subject to the same requirements of all Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo, Jones Leadership Academy, Toledo Early College, and Toledo Technology Academy students for continued admissions except as specifically modified under the student's IEP or 504 plan.
Time Frame for Application Process
All applicants will receive either an acceptance or denial letter. Once accepted, students will learn more about start dates and other requirements that need to be fulfilled before the first day of school.
Students who are not admitted can reapply for admission each school year.
Security Measure